Lolita Fashion

As mentioned in the first post, this blog is a space to discuss the fashion styles of the youth within the Harajuku District of Japan. In this post of the blog, the Lolita fashion style is going to be discussed. Lolita is one of the many fashion sub-cultures within Harajuku. Lolita fashion is based on Victorian-era clothing (#1). In addition, it is one of the more popular sub-cultures and fashion types of the Harajuku district. The original style involves a knee-length skirt and sometimes petticoats are used in order to help the person achieve a “cupcake” shape (#1). Below is an example of the Lolita fashion style.


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The Lolita fashion sub-culture obviously took its inspiration from past European, specifically British, fashion styles. It is not only geographically that Harajuku youth look for fashion they can engage with, but also through time. The world has become so globalized that the fashions and trends everywhere can be known. The only way to discover something new anymore is to now look back through time, which is exactly what the Lolita fashion has done. This shows that the youth of Japan are extremely resourceful and willing to look at any time period or area of the world for potential fashion ideas. Although it clearly was inspired by Victorian-era fashion, it is also clear that the Japanese youth have made it their own. This fashion style is very cute, which is common among the Japanese youth. I have a feeling that as this blog looks at more of the sub-cultures and their fashion choices, the same will be true for most of them. Another example of the Lolita fashion can be seen below, along with a video explaining more about it.


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